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Generate ideas, create high-performing content, monitor your performance and identify influencers. Built on insight from 8+ billion articles, BuzzSumo is the world’s largest bank of social engagement data.

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“BuzzSumo has to be the most important tool that I use for my content marketing and SEO campaigns.”

— Matthew Barby | Digital Marketing Expert, Hubspot

“I can search for terms/phrases and quickly identify content that’s performing well in a niche or with an audience.”

— Rand Fishkin | Founder & CEO,

“With BuzzSumo you can see what is hot in your space on social media and what isn’t. The best part about BuzzSumo is it shows who has shared the content so you can reach out to those influencers and ask them to share your content as well.”

— Neil Patel | Digital Marketing Entrepreneur,

“I’ve been telling the PR sector for ages: You do realise that BuzzSumo has excellent monitoring features? When I show people BuzzSumo, they think it’s amazing. In five minutes, they’re literally starting to outline a strategy.”

— Andrew Bruce Smith | Digital PR Consultant, Escherman

Key Features

Content Strategy

With BuzzSumo you can gather clear evidence to support your content strategy.

Discover by time period

Find the most shared content in the last 12 months – or the last 24 hours. Get a snapshot of a moment, or analyze changing trends.

Discover by social network

Every network is different. Compare which content resonates most on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Advanced operators

Search like a pro to remove certain words and pinpoint the precise content and metrics you need.

Discover by content type

Explore the differences in performance between content types, such as video and infographics.

Discover by domain

Enter a website address to find the most shared content from that organization.

Discover by author

Find an author’s best work. Search “author: Mindy McWords” or just click their name.