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Find Influencers

Look past vanity metrics to uncover truly influential leaders.

Identify authors and creators with engaged audiences and genuine authority on Instagram, Twitter and the web.

Find the most valuable influencers to promote your brand

With its index of 8 billion articles, BuzzSumo is perfect for giving you new content ideas. But, did you know, it was also built to help you find and connect with hundreds of thousands of influencers?

Just follow these four easy steps in BuzzSumo.

1. Find influencers from content that gets widely shared

Here’s how you can find the influencers that are most likely to share your content.

All you have to do is head to the Content Analyzer, and search a topic relevant to your brand or campaign, to get a list of the most shared articles.

Then from these top pieces of content, you can find the top sharers. Just click the “View top sharers” icon alongside each headline. This will give you a list of the influencers that have already shared this headline on Twitter.

Top Sharers

This is not an exhaustive list of everyone who has shared the article, but a sampling of those who retweeted it 2-3 days after it was first published.

In most cases, this usually covers a large % of the sharers.

This list is automatically organized by one of the most important influencer metrics – average retweets.

Average retweets

A retweet means an influencer’s audience cares enough to share their content.

This is a quick and easy way to find influential people to promote your own related content.

You can keep these names on file for eventual content collaborations, crowdsourced content, influencer marketing and more.

2. Find influencers who have authored the most shared content

If an influencer is really passionate about a topic, they will research and author content around it.

One way to find influential authors is to hone in on top journalists. Journalists write for super authoritative publications with a huge reach.

Featuring in their content could equal stratospheric engagement for your brand.

One way to find top journalists in your industry is by:

  1. Heading over to the Twitter Influencers tool
  2. Searching your topic via an “Associated with”, “Twitter bio includes”, or “Tweeted articles about” search
  3. Applying the “View only journalists” filter to discover relevant influencers from BuzzSumo’s database of 500K+ journalists

This will give you a list of influential journalists that repeatedly engage and captivate their audience on Twitter.

From there you can discover which ones boast the best content performance stats.

All you have to do is click on the journalist icon to view their full profile.

BuzzSumo’s Journalist Profiles tool gives you insights into a journalist’s world – from their most shared articles, to the topics they commonly cover, to their tweets.

This is the kind of intel you need to not only discover the right influencer, but to personalize your communications, and be in with a better chance of building a strong relationship.

Check out BuzzSumo's Twitter Influencers tool

Find, follow and shortlist taste-makers and trend-breakers.

Meaningful metrics

Lose the illusion of follower numbers and discover who truly drives engagement.

Millions of profiles

Scan the entire field before you choose your influencers.

Competitor Analysis

Pinpoint the winning strategies that your competitors are using.

Power sharers?

Who’s boosting your competitors’ content? Search influencers by the content they share.

Another way to spot influential authors is to seek out the ones who create the most engaging content:

  1. Run a topic search
  2. Find the authors of top shared content (listed beneath the headline)
  3. Click on their name to generate an author search, and view more of their content (ranked by engagement)

In that same Content Analyzer search, you can also filter to find journalists.

Head to your filters and switch on “View content written only by journalists”.

In less than a minute, you can find new influencers and validate their ability to drum up relevant engagement for your brand.

So, there you have it. Two ways to find authors that have the power to both create and share content that drives blockbuster engagement.

Check out BuzzSumo's Author tool

Identify the creators with the fans and followers to spread your message further.

Engagement first

Focus on authors who get the most likes, links and shares.

Search by size

Find top authors from niche blogs or huge publishers.

Language filter

Locate influential authors in any language.

Domain analysis

Enter a domain to discover the most successful authors.

BuzzSumo tools can help you build your list, by enabling you to analyze influencer...


The topics an influencer is associated with


The content an influencer shares

Twitter lists

The Twitter lists an influencer features on


The information an influencer includes in their bio


The people an influencer interacts with


The engagement an influencer generates

3. Find influencers by topic

Influencers vouching for your brand can do wonders for your ROI.

And, with BuzzSumo, finding relevant influencers in your space is as easy as a simple topic search.

You can do an influencer topic search in a bunch of tools across BuzzSumo.

But before you do, you need to decide what kind of influencers you’re looking to team up with.

Are they bloggers? Vloggers? Journalists? Micro influencers? CEOs? Newsletter creators?

Once you know who you’re looking for, you’ll have a better idea of how and where to find them in BuzzSumo.

For example, let’s say you want to work with vloggers who create cryptocurrency content.

And let's say you want to target a US audience that likes to invest as a hobby or side hustle.

You’ll want to find YouTube cryptocurrency channels that have a strong subscriber base, and a high amount of total views.

To find these influencers you can simply enter your topic of “cryptocurrency” into the YouTube Influencers tool.

Then, to refine these results even further, you can apply a “category” filter. In this example, you’d choose the “hobby” category.

This would give a list of the top 227 “cryptocurrency” influencers who create content for hobbyists.

Alternatively, you might want to branch out to other social channels to find influencers.

You can find influencers on Facebook just by typing your focus topic into the Facebook Pages tool.

This will give you a list of the top influencers on Facebook sorted by relevance.

And if you’re still not sure of which influencers to go with, you can compare the engagement of up to 10 in the Facebook Page Analyzer tool.

Check out BuzzSumo's Facebook Pages tool

Find thousands of relevant Facebook pages in seconds

Unearth top performing pages

It takes only seconds to reveal the popular pages that are filling your audience’s Facebook feeds

Seamlessly benchmark for advanced insights

Discover new pages and then select up to 10 at a time for instant page analysis in our Facebook Page Analyzer

Break out of your bubble

See past the algorithm bubble and get a clear picture of the influential pages driving audience engagement

Locate your competitors

Find your competitors’ Facebook pages and unpick their performance to identify their strategy

4. Find influencers who amplify yours and your competitors' content

Finally, you can use many of the tools above to see who amplifies both yours and your competitors' content.

Just enter a domain into the Content Analyzer, and hit “View top sharers” to see existing content fans.

This list is sorted by “Average retweets” by default, so these fans are also conveniently your most influential followers!

So, there you have it. Four easy steps for finding influencers in your niche. We hope you found it useful!

If you haven’t already, test-drive BuzzSumo with a free trial, and start discovering influencers that have the power to push your brand forward.


Enter any topic, term or url to search to see BuzzSumo in action. It’s free!

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