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Published August 6th 2021

7 Ways To Build A Better Paid Advertising Strategy

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An effective online paid advertising strategy is about three things...

  1. Creating relevant content.
  2. Defining hyper-targeted audiences.
  3. Distributing that content to those audiences (via search, display, and social media networks) in the most cost effective way.

In this article we’ll be walking you through 7 simple tips for creating a Facebook and Google advertising strategy that will bring home the bacon.

Here we go...

  1. Set crystal clear goals
  2. Distribute your ad spend by goal
  3. Analyze and benchmark against past success
  4. Repurpose your most engaging organic content
  5. Get super specific with audience targeting
  6. Learn from organic social media posts
  7. Align your advertising strategy with your buying cycle

1. Set crystal clear goals

This seems obvious, but we’re all guilty of jumping straight into the execution.

That’s the fun part, so it’s an easy mistake. You are forgiven.

But before you start creating an ad, you need to think about its purpose.

Specifically, you need to think “What am I trying to generate?”

That might be:

  • Awareness
  • Leads
  • Sales

Your answer will determine your budget and results.

Plus, it will help you manage expectations.

For instance, if the leadership team asks why ad spend isn’t resulting in conversions, you can explain that the ad goal isn’t sales but education – and present your reach and impression stats instead.

(Only if that is the case, of course. Probably don’t lie!)

2. Distribute your ad spend by goal

If you’re thinking about how much budget to assign to your advertising, Social Media Examiner recommends dedicating between 5 - 12% of revenue:

  • 5% for steady growth
  • 12% for aggressive growth

They also suggest a 20/60/20 distribution of budget, and therefore ad creation, between your three goals:

Generating awareness: 20%

This is all about education, engagement, and audience building. An awareness strategy will help you reach new, wider audiences.

Metrics: Reach, impressions, event signups etc.

Example awareness ad content: Event promotion

Generating leads & sales:60% 

This is about promoting your product / offer, generating warm leads, and turning those into sales.

Lead metrics: Traffic, lead gen form fills, free trials etc.

Example lead ad content: Video testimonials

Sales metrics: Sales, demos, store visits, contact forms etc.

Example sales ad content: Contact us form

Retargeting: 20% 

Retargeting gives you good bang for your buck.

It’s a process of attrition, all about serving ads to prospects who have already visited your site or social profiles before.

But if your whole paid advertising strategy is built on this, your audience will remain small because you’re not filling up that funnel.

Retargeting metrics: View through conversions, site visits etc.

Example sales ad content: Abandoned basket messaging

Pro Tip

Is your well of ad inspiration running dry?

Check out the Facebook Ad Library to see thousands of ad examples – just search by keyword or brand.