Mike Raia leads the marketing team for Integrify, a Chicago-based workflow management software provider whose client list includes names like RedBull, Glaxo Smith Kline, and Staples. Part of Mike's strategy for the 12-year old company is to curate highly relevant content for the brand's social channels, posting only one Integrify-created piece for every seven that he curates from elsewhere
Mike Raia
Challenge: Provide top-notch curated content for an established fan base while saving time and reducing costs
Finding that many highly relevant, high quality posts takes time and effort, and Mike was accustomed to spending up to an hour a day on the task.
“At some point, I would just give up,” Mike said of his previous curation sessions.
The task also required several tools, including a Feedly Pro account.
Results: Subscribing to BuzzSumo Pro has cut Mike's daily time commitment for content curation to 15 minutes.
Mike uses saved searches and the Trending section of BuzzSumo each morning to find content to share.

“The time I spend trying to find content to post has dropped tremendously,” he says.
There have been other benefits, as well.
Another of Mike’s responsibilities is to work with writers to create original content for Integrify. New ideas get pulled into Trello boards, where Mike manages the editorial process.
As many writers know, idea droughts happen, and when they do, the content process is slowed.
To combat this, Mike has begun using BuzzSumo to identify topics that competitors and industry leaders are posting. He looks for either trending or evergreen topics, so that Integrify can add its unique perspective to the conversation and attract new clients.
BuzzSumo has added to Integrify’s established cadence for content creation, by giving the team ideas that they never would thought of on their own.
“I’ve got boards full of topic ideas,” Mike says.
Paying for BuzzSumo Pro has also allowed Mike to discontinue other subscriptions, so that his overall cost for tools has gone down.
For example, after discovering that BuzzSumo included an online monitoring tool, Mike compared the results with Mention, and decided to switch to BuzzSumo. He also got rid of his Feedly Pro subscription.
Consolidating tools also provides for a more streamlined process, as it’s only necessary to log in once, navigate one dashboard, and cull results from one central location.
“I actually simplified and reduced my budget,” Mike says.